Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
Everything you need to know.
In general
What is the B42 CoachZone?
The B42 CoachZone is the desktop solution for coaches and associations. Different roles entail different rights, so the entire club can work together across teams.
Coaches can easily create appointments, plan game days and team training, send load queries and workouts, edit player data and view statistics & insights.
Depending on their authorization, athletic trainers can also distribute workout and load queries, carry out performance tests or manually add results or leave notes about injured players.
Players can make entries in the team treasury.
This means that all data is in one place and everyone knows.
Coaches can easily create appointments, plan game days and team training, send load queries and workouts, edit player data and view statistics & insights.
Depending on their authorization, athletic trainers can also distribute workout and load queries, carry out performance tests or manually add results or leave notes about injured players.
Players can make entries in the team treasury.
This means that all data is in one place and everyone knows.
What is the B42 player app?
The B42 player app is the solution for players.
The workouts, load queries and appointments created by the coach in the CoachZone appear on the app in real live time and can be processed conveniently and clearly by the players. They can complete additional training sessions and compete with the team and players from all over the world in the team feed.
The workouts, load queries and appointments created by the coach in the CoachZone appear on the app in real live time and can be processed conveniently and clearly by the players. They can complete additional training sessions and compete with the team and players from all over the world in the team feed.
Why should my team use B42?
Only together can you achieve your goals. But sometimes it's hard to keep track of everything. With B42, you can organize game days and team trainings, plan and share the team line-up with your team, track the sporting successes & progress of your players and individually distribute prevention, fitness and technical workouts according to the team's performance level and workload.
B42 — The all-in-one solution for teams that want more
B42 — The all-in-one solution for teams that want more
Can I also use B42 without a team?
You can't convince your team to use the B42 app? No problem You can also log in to the app as a single player. Whether fit or injured, create your personalized training plan, perfectly tailored to the season phase and performance level. Get your FIFA player card now, work specifically on your strengths and weaknesses and compete with players all over the world!
B42 — for the best season of your life.
B42 — for the best season of your life.
Which league is B42 suitable for?
The league doesn't matter — just your will to get better and break new ground. The training is individually adapted to each player's level of performance.
What is the advantage of B42 over other fitness apps?
B42 is 100% developed for soccer players.
We are on muddy fields ourselves in all weathers and therefore know exactly what is really important in soccer. We noticed that almost all amateur players did not have good training and rehabilitation facilities available.
So we looked for experts and tried to change that. Our team of professional athletes, sports doctors, therapists and trainers combines all the experience and knowledge from top-class sport in one app.
We are on muddy fields ourselves in all weathers and therefore know exactly what is really important in soccer. We noticed that almost all amateur players did not have good training and rehabilitation facilities available.
So we looked for experts and tried to change that. Our team of professional athletes, sports doctors, therapists and trainers combines all the experience and knowledge from top-class sport in one app.
What are the benefits of training with B42?
With B42, you create the basis for reaching your highest fitness level for over 90 minutes. Work on your power with our soccer app and bring yourself physically to a level that will increase your tackle rate.
In addition, improve your soccer-specific stamina and prevent drops in performance during the game. Become faster and more agile through our supplementary soccer training — and win decisive sprint duels. And if you're a goalkeeper, we've got something in store for you too.
In addition, improve your soccer-specific stamina and prevent drops in performance during the game. Become faster and more agile through our supplementary soccer training — and win decisive sprint duels. And if you're a goalkeeper, we've got something in store for you too.
In which season can I train with B42?
In just all of them. Whether running training during the winter break, mobility and regeneration training in preparation or ball-specific exercises during the season. B42 is your mobile coach for the entire season.
What is the B42 Gamechanger?
The B42 Gamechanger is the concentrated expertise of our team of renowned sports doctors, athletic trainers and professional athletes.
Regardless of whether you are fit or injured, based on your input on the season phase, performance level, position and training days, we automatically create a 6-week personalized training plan, perfectly tailored to you. This allows you to effectively work on your strengths and weaknesses at any time, even without know-how.
Regardless of whether you are fit or injured, based on your input on the season phase, performance level, position and training days, we automatically create a 6-week personalized training plan, perfectly tailored to you. This allows you to effectively work on your strengths and weaknesses at any time, even without know-how.
How does the player card work?
Only those who know their status quo can improve sustainably. For this purpose, we have designed the B42 performance tests, the so-called champion workouts, in collaboration with our expert team of doctors, therapists and athletic trainers.
Based on the results, you will receive values in the areas of strength, mobility, endurance and speed. With the B42 workouts or the appropriate game changer, you can work specifically on your strengths and weaknesses and check the values at regular intervals with new performance tests.
You can also use your player card to compare yourself with soccer players all over the world!
Based on the results, you will receive values in the areas of strength, mobility, endurance and speed. With the B42 workouts or the appropriate game changer, you can work specifically on your strengths and weaknesses and check the values at regular intervals with new performance tests.
You can also use your player card to compare yourself with soccer players all over the world!
How often should I run a performance test?
Ideally, test yourself every four to six weeks. Shorter periods don't make sense as the body needs time to adapt. By the way, you can find more about the theory behind the tests in the blog article about performance tests.
How do I protect myself from overtraining?
If you've fought your way through the first two weeks of the game changer, your body is already used to a lot of things and is better able to cope with the entire training workload. If you are still very tired on a day, then it is better to stop training. Remember that you're working out to get better, not just to check off a workout. Push yourself to the limit, but always listen to your body.

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